W.I.C. Services

Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Food Program

See Our Non-Discrimination Statement Here.

What is WIC?

WIC is a free supplemental nutrition program that assists pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women as well as infants from birth to age one (1) and children up to age five (5). WIC provides nutrition education counseling, breastfeeding education, nutritious foods and help to access other health care services and resources during important times of growth and development.

You must meet income guidelines and have nutritional risk to be eligible for WIC services.  Income guidelines are 185% of poverty level or below or is Medicaid eligible and be a Kentucky resident.  When benefits are issued, they are redeemable at approved local grocery stores.  For more information on income guidelines and foods provided, you can visit the WIC website or call our clinic at 606-474-5109.

Our Partners

Get in Touch

(606) 474-5109
(606) 474-6685

Clinic  Hours

Mon - Fri — 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday — Closed
Sunday — Closed

105 Robert & Mary Ave.

Grayson, KY  41143