Vital Statistics

Initial Cost per Certificate:

Birth:  $10 per certificate (non-refundable search fee)

Stillbirth, Death, Marriage, and Divorce:  $6 per certificate (non-refundable search fee)

Certificates can be obtained by the following methods:

Online and by Phone

Visit the VitalChek website or contact VitalChek by phone at (800) 241-8322. To fax orders, call toll free (866) 283-7477. VitalChek accepts all major credit cards including American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. VitalChek uses UPS for faster delivery. If a rush delivery is necessary, request delivery by UPS when placing your order. There is an additional fee charged by VitalChek for all orders. If UPS delivery is requested, additional fees apply.

In Person

The Office of Vital Statistics is located at 275 East Main Street in Frankfort. Visit our lobby and complete an application for a certified copy of a birth, death, marriage, or divorce certificate from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time Monday through Friday. For further information, please read the Business Procedures for Accepting Walk-In/Mail/Phone Orders.

Drop Box

The Office of Vital Statistics installed a drop box at the visitor entrance at 275 E. Main St., Frankfort for applications for certified copies of birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates. Blank applications are provided on the drop box.

By Mail

Mail a check or money order (no cash) payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer along with the necessary information to:

Office of Vital Statistics
275 E. Main St., 1E-A
Frankfort, KY 40621

Please include a return address on the envelope and the application form. Funds must be drawn on a U.S. bank. For further information, please read the Business Procedures for accepting walk-ins/mail/phone orders.

For more information, visit The Office of Vital Statistics.

Click on link below to download certificate application

Birth Certificate application


Stillbirth certificate application 

Muerte Fetal

Death Certificate application


Marriage/Divorce certificate application 


Order Vital Records Online

Directions and map to the Office of Vital Statistics


Jerri Waite

606-474-5109 ext. 105

Our Partners

Get in Touch

(606) 474-5109
(606) 474-6685

Clinic  Hours

Mon - Fri — 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday — Closed
Sunday — Closed

105 Robert & Mary Ave.

Grayson, KY  41143