Contact Us

We are just a phone call away. Let us know what you need or how we can best serve you by either giving us a call or filling out our contact form below.


Do I qualify for WIC?

You must be income-eligible (Income Guidelines).  If you qualify for Medicaid, you automatically qualify for WIC.  Must be pregnant, postpartum or have a child from infant to age 5. 

Where do I get my WIC?

Anywhere in the state of Kentucky that accepts WIC.  In Carter County:  Grayson:  Ralph’s Food Fair or Save-A-Lot.  Olive Hill:  Save-A-Lot.

How do I find my food items in the store?

We will give you a food list pamphlet or click here to access pamphlet online.  You can download the WIC Shopper App.

How do I apply for a septic system?

You will need to submit and application for a site evaluation.  These applications can be obtained at your local health department in the Environmental Office.

Do I need a temporary food permit to sell or give away food to the public?

Yes.  An application can be obtained at your local health department in the Environmental Office.

How do I obtain a Birth Certificate?

You can visit Certificate Holders Name: ( or your local health department to obtain an application.

How do I obtain a Declaration of Paternity?

You can visit VS-8B (Rev 1-02) ( or your local health department to obtain an application.

Who Can Apply for HANDS?

Any pregnant mother or parent/guardian of an infant up to 12 weeks old.

How do I sign up for HANDS?

Call 606-474-5109 ext. 016 or email  for more information, or complete the form located under our Contact Us tab.

Do I have to be income eligible to be in the HANDS program?

No.  HANDS services are free to everyone regardless of income status if you meet other eligibility requirements.

Clinic Hours

Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday — Closed
Sunday — Closed

How Can We Help?

Emergency After Hours Contacts

Public Health Director:

Jeffery Barker


Nurse Administrator:

Jana McGlone, RN


Get in Touch

(606) 474-5109
(606) 474-6685

Clinic  Hours

Mon - Fri — 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday — Closed
Sunday — Closed

105 Robert & Mary Ave.

Grayson, KY  41143